Weight Loss

Weight Loss Solutions

Weight Loss Clinic - supervised Three Step Rapid Weight Loss Program is fast, safe and effective.

weight loss medications

Weight Loss during your time on the program, you doctor will be available, accessible and supportive. Weight loss medications should be considered as an adjunct to lifestyle intervention in patients with a BMI > 30 or a BMI > 27 with obesity-related medical conditions. There are a number of medications now available to assist in weight management. The use of these medications requires a complex assessment of the risks and side effects contrasted with the benefits of losing and maintaining weight. Medicines work best when combined with diet and exercise programs, with close clinical monitoring and supervision.

weight Maintenance

The doctors take a very different approach to the age-old problem of weight regain after weight loss. If you accept the clear evidence that weight is biologically controlled and we have a pre-set weight baseline hard-wired into our DNA, the regain of weight after weight loss should come as no surprise. In fact, it should be absolutely expected. Some of us have higher weight set points than others, and our bodies fight to stay within these ranges. The clinical program offered by your doctor is designed to allow you to lose weight by overcoming and essentially side-stepping your weight defense systems. It will teach you to maintain your weight by slowing weight regain and losing small amounts of weight on a regular basis, helping you get off the weight roller coaster ride.

Meal plans, recipes and food ideas

The doctors will provide tips and tricks to make your food tasty, interesting, enjoyable, and shareable with the whole family. Losing weight with bland, boring food is not a path to success. They provide detailed meal plans and recipe ideas. See a small sample by clicking on the link below.

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